Listening to UDP sockets

Howard Berkey howard at
Sat Feb 24 12:07:16 PST 2007

Burton Radons Wrote:

> Burton Radons wrote:
> > I have this code:
> > 
> >     import std.socket;
> > 
> >     void main ()
> >     {
> >         auto address = new InternetAddress (3333);
> >         auto socket = new UdpSocket ();
> >         socket.bind (address);
> >         socket.listen (10);
> >     }
> > 
> > Which fails during execution on the "listen" line with "Error: Unable to 
> > listen on socket". Can anyone help? Replacing "Udp" with "Tcp" lets it 
> > work properly so perhaps this is a bug in "std.socket".
> I figured it out - I just have to bind (no listen) and then the receive 
> buffer must be large enough to contain the entire message or it either 
> never returns (since it's waiting for a datagram which is small enough 
> to fit, I guess) or returns -1 in nonblocking mode. I knew there were no 
> socket connections in the TCP sense but I was expecting sockets to 
> simulate it in order to have one unified API.

The D API reflects the traditional sockets API here.

There is a really good guide to sockets programming online at:

Much of what is in that guide is directly applicable to D network programming.


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