Problem with closures: Problem solved

Alain alainpoint at
Thu Jan 11 07:28:12 PST 2007

David Medlock Wrote:

> D doesn't support true closures, just delegates.  Local variables in 
> functions are still allocated on the stack and therefore invalid after 
> you return from them.
> You must use objects for this purpose.
> -DavidM
Thank you for the suggestion. I post hereunder my solution to the problem.

import std.stdio;

class ClassClosure
    this(int n)   { num = n;}
    private uint num;  
    int opCall(int x)  {return num+x;}

void capply(int[] array, ClassClosure func) {
    foreach (inout int i; array) { i = func(i); }

int main() {
    int[] numbers = [1,2,3];
    writefln("numbers before=",numbers);
    ClassClosure myclosure= new ClassClosure(40);
    capply(numbers, myclosure); // add 40 to each number
    writefln("numbers after=",numbers);
    return 0;


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