Is this a bug or feature?

BCS ao at
Tue Jan 16 17:08:48 PST 2007

Reply to Kirk,

> BCS wrote:
> Method literals, eh? Nifty.

Not just methods:

int[] foo;

	int ret = 0;
	foreach(int i; *this) ret += i;
	return ret;

maybe even anything that can fit int a size_t (byte, short, int)

Why not interface literals?

interface I { int foo(); }
struct S    { int i; }

auto a = new S;
I i = s.I   // I don't like the syntax, but...
	int foo()
		return this.i;

Of course this requiters that interfaces be re implemented using context/v-table 
pairs, but that is an old soap-box.

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