Why is this D code slower than C++?

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Thu Jan 18 09:56:25 PST 2007

Lionello Lunesu wrote:
> When comparing the generated assembly from the dmc exe with the one from 
> dmd, I noticed that the D one had many "movsd; movsd; movsd;" sequences 
> (obviously copying of one vector3 to another). I could not find these in 
> the C version.
> Maybe the DMC is better at register aliasing (or what's it called) than 
> DMD? I mean, DMD's actually moving data around, where DMC simply changes 
> the names of the data?
> Only W. knows.
> L.

Hmm.  I hope he knows...and is paying attention to this thread.


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