Why is this D code slower than C++?

Bradley Smith digitalmars-com at baysmith.com
Thu Jan 18 12:56:19 PST 2007

As Bill Baxter pointed out, I missed an optimization on version 2. The 
pass by reference optimization using the inout on the Intersect's Ray 
argument. I had applied inout only to the Raytrace's Ray argument.

The further optimization brings the following approx. timings:

         time     factor
   dmc    5 sec    1.0
   dmd    9 sec    1.8
   gdc    13 sec   2.6
   msvc   5 sec    1.0
   g++    doesn't compile

Version 3 is attached and has the following changes:
   Fixed compiling with gdc
   Use inout for Intersect's Ray argument


Bradley Smith wrote:
> Jacco Bikker wrote several raytracing articles on DevMaster.net. I took 
> his third article and ported it to D. I was surprised to find that the D 
> code is approx. 4 times slower than C++.
> The raytracer_d renders in approx. 21 sec and the raytracer_cpp renders 
> in approx. 5 sec. I am using the DMD and DMC compilers on Windows.
> How can the D code be made to run faster?
> Thanks,
>   Bradley
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