how to change attribute in descendant?

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Thu Jan 18 19:27:14 PST 2007

"%u" <u at infearof.spm> wrote in message 
news:eop4o3$2mq1$1 at
> novice2 Wrote:
>> Then in some descendant i need "open" it.
> This seems to be a clear sign of misunderstanding/misusing object 
> orientation.
> Descendendants, as you say, need to be like ancestors without any 
> restrictions. Thus there cannot be any need to "open" any closed 
> "attributes".

OT: Mr/s. %u, would you please, please use a newsreader?  There is a bug in 
the web interface which messes up your name when you post, and it's really 
disconcerting not knowing your name (and indeed, whether or not all the 
posts by %u are by the same author). 

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