D Mutex reference.

Saaa empty at needmail.com
Fri Jan 19 04:03:00 PST 2007

I'm not really doing OOP, or am I reading it incorrectly again?
What is the object reference?
I just use a simple (never-ending)  function for the data generation.
Should I just encapsulate this function in synchronize?
Thanks, Saaa

>>> http://digitalmars.com/d/statement.html#SynchronizedStatement
>>> Does this one help?
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> I have one thread generating alot of data and main reading a few of them 
>> every 10ms or so.
>> This can be a problem, right? (when main tries to read some data which 
>> hasn't been writting completely?)
> Actually, yes.
>> Reading about multi threading pointed me to mutexes, but I can't find any 
>> reference.
>> Synchronized only locks a part of the code, not the actual data?
> The point of synchronized blocks is, that you can finish what ever you do 
> with your data, without getting interrupted by another thread.
> There are two ways to use synchronized:
> a) standalone, so it's like Windows' critical sections:
> synchronized {
>     /* ... code ... */
> }
> b) synchronized with an object
> "synchronized (Expression), where Expression evaluates to an Object 
> reference, allows only one thread at a time to use that Object to execute 
> the ScopeStatement. If Expression is an instance of an Interface, it is 
> cast to an Object."
> synchronized ( /* expression or object */ ) {
>     /* ... code ... */
> }
> Apparently, b) should be the way to go for you.
> Best regards,
> Alex

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