Template for going from Array --> list of args

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Mon Jan 29 22:07:44 PST 2007

Is there any better way to do this than what I've got below?
The variadic stuff lets you treat lists of args as arrays, but is there 
some nice way to go the other direction?  Take the elements of an array 
and pass them as individual args?

The code below just does a not-so-slick and not-so-exhaustive 
case-by-case on the number of arguments.  Kind of looks reminiscent of 
the problems variadic templates are supposed to solve, but I can't 
figure out any way to use variadics to handle this one.

template NArgs(alias func)
     static if (is(typeof(func) T == function)) {
         const uint NArgs = T.length;
     else {
         static assert(0, "Not a function with fixed arguments");

template callwithN(alias func, alias A) {
     static if (NArgs!(func)==0) {
         void callwithN() {
     else static if (NArgs!(func)==1) {
         void callwithN() {
     else static if (NArgs!(func)==2) {
         void callwithN() {
             func(A[0], A[1]);
     else static if (NArgs!(func)==3) {
         void callwithN() {
             func(A[0], A[1], A[2]);
     else static if (NArgs!(func)==4) {
         void callwithN() {
             func(A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3]);
     else {
        static assert(0, "Unsupported number of arguments");

void foo(int a, int b) { }
void bar(int a, int b, int c) { }

void main()
   int[5] a=[0,1,2,3,4];

What I was thinking was something like:

template callwithN(alias func, alias A) {
         func( array_to_tuple!(NArgs!(func),A) );

but that stalled out because any sort of Tuple!(A[0]) type construct 
bombs saying that A[0] isn't valid as a template argument.


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