Resource Management... Howto?

Samuel Winchenbach swinchen at
Sat Jul 7 05:57:51 PDT 2007

Thanks Jarrett!

I sort of went with a hybrid approach (for now)

module resource;

class TextureHandle
     private Texture mTexture;
     private char[]  mName;
     this(texture aTexture, char[] aName)
         mTexture = aTexture;
         mName = aName;

         if (mTexture.mRef == 0)
             delete mTexture;


TextureHandle loadTexture(char[] aName)
     if (auto t = (aName in textureList))
         return new TextureHandle(*t, aName);


     auto t = new Texture();
     textureList[aName] = t;
     return new TextureHandle(t, aName);

     Texture[char[]] textureList;

     class Texture
         private uint mRef = 0;


         void freeGPUtexture()


I am trying to think ahead and see if this is what I really want. 
Eventually I will want to implement a file that contains all the various 
resources.   I am not sure if I will run into a scope problem with that 
or not.  I guess I just need to play around with it and see.  :) 
Somehow it also seems I like should be able to make this more generic... 
  instead of having a texture handle, have a generic resource handle. 
Overall it makes a LOT more sense to me in D than when I tried to do the 
same thing in C++ :)


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