Static operator overloads

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Tue Jun 5 06:22:07 PDT 2007

"Stuart Murray" <stuart.w.murray at> wrote in 
message news:f42ted$23dg$1 at
> Hi everyone
> I'm a newbie to D and I've spent some time in the last few days messing 
> around, seeing how things work.
> I noticed in a news posting that you can overload operators statically..
> i.e.
> Browsing through the documentation I didn't come across any mention that 
> static member operators were supported. I was just wondering if they are 
> in fact intentional?

It's legal.  It's nice to have sometimes.  It doesn't have the same purpose 
as static/global operator overloads do in C++, though.  It basically just 
allows you to use the class/struct type as if it were a value.

> Also:
> I notice that having 2 member functions with the same signature, one 
> static and one not, does not work (compiler claims it a conflicts). In 
> particular, the above case, when the non-static opCmp is uncommented it 
> will no longer compile.
> Is there any notes in the documentation to this effect? because I could 
> not find any.

I don't know if it's mentioned anywhere, but since D allows you to access 
static members through instances of a type, it doesn't surprise me that it's 
illegal, because that would be ambiguous. 

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