Cannot make a personalized exception

Vermi aurelien.vermifuge at
Fri May 11 11:38:13 PDT 2007

I'm trying to make a custom Exception class with this :

class MyException : Exception
    static char[] s = "My Exception";

    char[] toString()
				return s;

it compile well, until I want to throw it :/
When I put the line : 

throw new MyException();

I get that error :
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4util10linkedlist13TestException7__ClassZ
 Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4util10linkedlist13TestException5_ctorMFAaZC4util10linkedlist13TestException
--- errorlevel 2

The two class ( Exception and thrower class ) are in the same file. I tried Copy / Past examples from the site, but it still donc work. An idea ?

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