internal error toObjFile()

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at
Tue May 29 13:37:39 PDT 2007

Jay Dresser wrote:
> Frits van Bommel wrote:
>> Jay Dresser wrote:
>>> So when I compile it with gdmd I get this:
>>> gdmd -c -I/home/jay/Ddev/src/phobos -I/home/jay/Ddev/src/phobos/std 
>>> -L-L/home/jay/Ddev/lib popen.d
>>> cc1d: ../../gcc-4.1.1/gcc/d/dmd/toobj.c:417: virtual void 
>>> ClassDeclaration::toObjFile(): Assertion `classinfo->structsize == 
>>> CLASSINFO_SIZE' failed.
>>> popen.d:97: internal compiler error: Aborted
>> [snip]
>> Looks like you're using the wrong version of Phobos with your gdmd. 
>> (Likely DMD's version)
>> I'm pretty sure you shouldn't need to specify include paths for 
>> phobos, GDC should know where gphobos (the version of Phobos it comes 
>> with) is installed.
>  From the file
> gdc-0.23-x86_64-linux-gcc-4.1.1.tar.bz2
> I am using
> lib64/libgphobos.a.
> Which one should I be using?

That's probably the right binary file, but I actually meant the Phobos 
sources. In particular, the "-I/home/jay/Ddev/src/phobos" on your 
command line  seems to put the sources to a Phobos version in the import 
path. I suspect that directory contains either DMD Phobos sources or 
perhaps a different (old?) version of the GDC gphobos sources.

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