Going from TypeInfo of template to TypeInfo of template parameter/member

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 17:10:10 PST 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> I'm trying to get info about types from their TypeInfo.
> Say I have a struct like
> struct Container(T)
> {
>    T[] elems;
> }
> And I have a TypeInfo for a Container!(float).  Is there any way to get 
> the TypeInfo for a float out of that?  Or a double, or int, or whatever 
> it happens to be.
> TypeInfo get_container_element_type(TypeInfo container_typeinfo)
> {
>    ???
> }
> The TypeInfo's .next and .offTi are both null, so that's no help.
> The toString includes the stringized version of the type "float", 
> though, so I could try to use that.  Seems unreliable though.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> --bb

Not in the general case. However, you can easily add something like this:

struct Container(T) {
     alias T value_type;
     T[] elems;

Thus, Container!(float).value_type will be float.

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Connecting D and Python

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