Displaying non UTF-8 8 bit character codes with writefln()

Graham GC
Thu Oct 4 08:08:56 PDT 2007

Regan Heath Wrote:

> Try printf and saving the file as a UTF-8 encoded text file...
> --[b5.d]--
> import std.stdio;
> void main()
> {
> 	printf("\µ\n");
> 	printf("\u00B5\n");
> 	printf("\xB5\n");  //doesn't output anything
> 	writefln("µ");
> }
> Using this source saved as b5.d as a UTF-8 encoded text file (IMPORTANT) 
>   I can set my command prompt font to "Lucida Console" and execute the 
> following commands:
> E:\D\src\tmp>chcp 65001
> Active code page: 65001
> E:\D\src\tmp>dmd -run b5.d
> µ
> µ
> µ
> The 3rd printf doesn't output anything, not sure why, the others all 
> output the same character.
> chcp 65001 changes to UTF-8 code page :)
> Regan

Thanks, I was hoping for something more elegant but if all char variables in phobos have to be UTF-8 I guess this is the only way.

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