import resolution

BCS ao at
Sat Oct 13 22:04:09 PDT 2007

Reply to RandyH,

> I've been playing with D on and off for a couple of years now, but now
> i'm taking a more serious look at it.
> So far things have generally gone well, but now i'm encountering an
> import resolution issue.  In my source, I import tango.core.Thread and
> compile with:
> dmd main.d -IC:\dmd\tango\import\tango\core


dmd main.d -IC:\dmd

IIRC you need to give the root of the module tree as the import path.

I think in C it is the same. If you want to include c:\foo\bar\baz.h using 
#include<bar\baz.h> then you  need to have c:\foo in the import dir list.

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