How to include??

Ary Manzana ary at
Thu Oct 18 12:38:26 PDT 2007

This compiles, runs, and outputs "hola" as expected:

class X {
	import std.stdio;
	void foo() {

void main() {
	(new X()).foo();

Even more, if you move the foo function outside X, it doesn't compile 
because it can't find "writefln". If I remember correctly from what I've 
seen in DMD's code, the import loads the imported symbols into the 
symbol table of the current scope (X, in this case). So... it works. :-)

Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> BCS wrote:
>> Reply to Ary,
>>> BCS wrote:
>>>> import is only allowed at module scope, not in a class or function or
>>>> sutch.
>>> IIRC import is allowed in classes.
>> Oh. it is? Didn't know that
> It is "allowed" there (no compiler error) but it has no effect there. It 
> only has effect at module scope.

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