C++ Macro to D mixin template, delegates Please help
nanali at nospam-wanadoo.fr
Fri Sep 21 02:15:25 PDT 2007
Regan Heath schrieb:
> Henning Hasemann wrote:
>> Does this help you?
>> import std.stdio;
>> template MessageMap(Mappings ...) {
>> void newMsgProc(uint uID) {
>> foreach(mapping; Mappings) {
>> if(mapping.matches(uID))
>> mapping.executeAction();
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> struct OnClose(alias fn) {
>> alias fn executeAction;
>> static bool matches(uint uid) { return uid == 5; }
>> }
>> struct OnRange(uint a, uint b, alias fn) {
>> alias fn executeAction;
>> static bool matches(uint uid) { return uid >= a && uid <= b; }
>> }
>> class Foo {
>> void foo() {
>> writefln("foo called");
>> }
>> void bar() {
>> writefln("bar called");
>> }
>> mixin MessageMap!(
>> OnClose!(foo),
>> OnRange!(1, 3, bar)
>> );
>> }
>> void main() {
>> auto f = new Foo;
>> f.newMsgProc(5);
>> f.newMsgProc(2);
>> }
> Genius! :)
> See BLS I told you someone else would come up with something. Sadly my
> mind doesn't operate in a very templatey fashion .. yet .. I need more
> practice.
> Regan
Indeed smart code. But it is not what I need.
I really hope that I can use mixins (NOT template mixins) let me show you :
//A C++ fragment from the MSG_MAP macro
#define ON_WM_CLOSE(vfunc)\
if (uID == WM_CLOSE) \
{ \
lResult =vfunc(); \
return lResult; \
// becomes in D
template ON_WM_CLOSE(char[] vfunc)
const char[] ON_WM_CLOSE = "if (uID == WM_CLOSE) { lResult = " ~ vfunc ~
"; return lResult; }";
//use case :
Let's have a look at :
1) The original C++ class
class CWin : public CMsg
virtual BOOL OnClose()
return TRUE;
which expands to
class CWin : public CMsg
virtual BOOL OnClose()
return TRUE;
virtual BOOL NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
lParam,LRESULT& lResult)
if (uID == WM_CLOSE)
lResult =vfunc(); // CALL onClose !! AND SET lResult
return lResult;
// whatever
2) The D code
class CWin : CMsg
bool onClose()
return true;
// C++ BEGIN_MSG_MAP() becomes
override bool NewMsgProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
lParam, ref LRESULT lResult)
mixin(ON_WM_CLOSE!("onClose()")) //C++ ON_WM_CLOSE(OnClose)
//Again the D ON_WM_CLOSE mixin
template ON_WM_CLOSE(char[] vfunc)
const char[] ON_WM_CLOSE = "if (uID == WM_CLOSE) { lResult = " ~ vfunc ~
"; return lResult; }";
Comments ?
Is it legal to use mixins this way ?
It seems that C++ macros are just text substitutions. I was really
confused about the "lResult = vFunc() stuff within the ON_WM_CLOSE
#define. Dunno much about C++ but the more I learn the more I hate it. :-)
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