arbitrary bitsize of variables

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Sat Sep 29 07:47:32 PDT 2007

dominik wrote:
> "dominik" <aha at> wrote in message 
> news:fdlnq6$f0i$1 at
>> Is it possible in D to do something like this (in C++):
>> struct Testor {
>>     int small_int: 5;
>>     int even_smaller_int: 3;
>> };
>> this basically says make one integer of 5 bit size, and other of 3 bit 
>> size.. whole structure is 8bits long
> or is it possible to do it with the class - since, as I understood, struct 
> is always by value in D - and class is by reference.
> I have tried with C++ syntax, but it fails on : - so I presume there is 
> support for this, but I can't find correct syntax.
> thanks 

No, you cannot do this directly in D.  There was once support for a
'bit' type, but it was removed in favour of the 'bool' type; note that
'bool' variables take up a whole byte, not a single bit.

Your best bet might be to do something like this:

struct Tester
    private ubyte storage;

    ubyte small_int()
        return storage & ((1<<5)-1));
    ubyte small_int(ubyte v)
        return (storage = (storage & ~((1<<5)-1)) | (v & ((1<<5)-1)));
    // repeat for even_smaller_int :P

If you don't require those precise layout requirements, there's always

	-- Daniel

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