Error: array dimension overflow

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Thu Apr 3 11:21:46 PDT 2008

"Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 at> wrote in message 
news:ft3757$11cb$1 at
> "Spacen Jasset" <spacen at> wrote in message 
> news:ft35ik$q7g$1 at
>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>> Brian Hay wrote:
>>>> Newbie Q:
>>>> During compilation I'm getting the error: "array dimension overflow" 
>>>> but it doesn't provide any information as to where (module and line 
>>>> number) the error might be, so I'm at a loss. Other errors seem to 
>>>> provide such information.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>> I think there's a limit of 16K for the size of static arrays.
>>> Do you have any really big static arrays?
>>> Anyway, the compiler should generate a line number for that.  Not 
>>> providing one is a bug.
>>> --bb
>> 16k Seems shockingly low. Is there documentation on this. Even old Dos 
>> compilers for C support close to 64k indexes.

Son of a.

Bill made a typo, the max is 16MB.  While Walter says that this is because 
"any larger array should really be allocated at runtime and not in the 
static data segment", I think it's really because OPTLINK crashes if you 
have something larger than 16MB in the static data segment.


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