Array of templated classes
tsalm at
Mon Aug 18 12:48:34 PDT 2008
Le Mon, 18 Aug 2008 17:21:03 +0200, JAnderson <ask at> a écrit:
>> Does somebody know or have a way to do this :
>> /* --- BEGIN ---*/
>> class MyClass(T) {T myData;}
>> void main()
>> {
>> MyClass[] myArray;
>> }
>> /* --- END --- */
> You can't do this directly because when you try to pull the data out you
> have no idea what template type it is. There are several ways which
> might get you what you want. You could use an interface...
> interface MyClassI
> {
> void ProccessData();
> }
> class MyClass(T) : MyClassI {T myData; ProccessData() {...} }
> void main()
> {
> MyClassI[] myArray;
> }
> You could also get at the data using a dynamic cast and I wouldn't
> recommend breaking polymorphism like that.
> Another way would be to use a void* however that means you will have to
> dynamic cast.
> A third way is to have another template manage the data:
> class MyTemplateArray
> {
> MyClass(int)[] myArrayInt;
> MyClass(float)[] myArrayFloat;
> ...
> T Get(T : int)(int index) { return myArrayInt(index); }
> T Get(T : float)(int index) { return myArrayFloat(index); }
> ...
> }
> Although I'd reconsider the design if it comes down to that.
> -Joel
Thanks for those clear explanations.
I think using an interface could be the better way for me because I don't
know the exact type of T when I get it on the array.
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