One more about mixins

Tomasz Sowiñski tomeksowi at
Sun Aug 24 17:25:19 PDT 2008

BCS Wrote:
> using CTFE (compile time function evaluation) with arrays is "finicky"

so I noticed:)

> To limit the problem to the CTFE issues switch to this:
> pragma(msg, intGen("aa", "bb", "cc"));
> Post the error messages from that if you can't figure them out.

It says  intGen("aa", "bb", "cc") can't be evaluated at compile time... I don't see why, all of its arguments are known at compile time and the function doesn't refer to anything outside its body...

test.d(13): Error: cannot evaluate intGen(cast(invariant(char)[][])((invariant(char)[][3u] __arrayArg286 = void;
) , (__arrayArg286[0u]) = "aa" , (__arrayArg286[1u]) = "bb" , (__arrayArg286[2u]) = "cc" , __arrayArg286)) at compile time

test.d(13): Error: string expected for message, not 'intGen(cast(invariant(char)[][])((invariant(char)[][3u] __arrayArg286 = void;
) , (__arrayArg286[0u]) = "aa" , (__arrayArg286[1u]) = "bb" , (__arrayArg286[2u]) = "cc" , __arrayArg286))'

line 13 contains the pragma, of course.


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