confusing (buggy?) closure behaviour

Zoran Isailovski dmd.zoc at
Fri Dec 12 08:32:03 PST 2008

I'm an experienced C#, Java and Python programmer, and have employed closures (and C# delegates) upon numerous occasions. While experimenting with D closures and delegates, I was stroke by a phenomenon I cannot explain. Here's the code:

module closures01;

import std.stdio;

alias int delegate(int arg) Handler;

Handler incBy(int n)
	return delegate(int arg){ return arg + n; };

Handler mulBy(int n)
	return delegate(int arg){ return arg * n; };

void test1()
	int x = 10, y;
	y = mulBy(3)(x); writefln("%d * 3 -> %d", x, y);
	y = mulBy(4)(x); writefln("%d * 4 -> %d", x, y);
	y = incBy(2)(x); writefln("%d + 2 -> %d", x, y);

void test2()
	int x = 10, y;
	Handler times3 = mulBy(3);
	Handler times4 = mulBy(4);
	Handler plus2 = incBy(2);
	y = times3(x); writefln("%d * 3 -> %d", x, y);
	y = times4(x); writefln("%d * 4 -> %d", x, y);
	y = plus2(x); writefln("%d + 2 -> %d", x, y);

public void run()

/* **************************************** *
 * Compiled with: Digital Mars D Compiler v1.030
 * (Unexplainable) program output:
10 * 3 -> 30
10 * 4 -> 40
10 + 2 -> 12

10 * 3 -> 20
10 * 4 -> 42846880
10 + 2 -> 4284698

* **************************************** */

What goes wrong???
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