Create a class
Ty Tower
tytower at
Fri Feb 1 13:28:12 PST 2008
I am trying to create a Transaction class that I can call a blank transaction when needed and fill in the fields then write it to a file .Then I get the next new one and so on.
The below compiles an object file but gets stuck in the linker with this message
It goes OK if I put a "main" in it but I didn't think I had to have a main in a class file?
[tytower at localhost TangoExamples]$ dmd ./Transaction.d
gcc Transaction.o -o Transaction -m32 -Xlinker -L/usr/local/bin/../lib -ltango-user-dmd -ltango-base-dmd -lpthread -lm
/usr/local/bin/../lib/libtango-base-dmd.a(dmain2.o): In function `_D6dmain24mainUiPPaZi7runMainMFZv':
dmain2.d:(.text._D6dmain24mainUiPPaZi7runMainMFZv+0x10): undefined reference to `_Dmain'
/usr/local/bin/../lib/libtango-base-dmd.a(deh2.o): In function `_D4deh213__eh_finddataFPvZPS4deh213DHandlerTable':
deh2.d:(.text._D4deh213__eh_finddataFPvZPS4deh213DHandlerTable+0x9): undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
deh2.d:(.text._D4deh213__eh_finddataFPvZPS4deh213DHandlerTable+0xe): undefined reference to `_deh_beg'
deh2.d:(.text._D4deh213__eh_finddataFPvZPS4deh213DHandlerTable+0x14): undefined reference to `_deh_end'
deh2.d:(.text._D4deh213__eh_finddataFPvZPS4deh213DHandlerTable+0x37): undefined reference to `_deh_end'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1
import tango.core.Exception;
import tango.util.Convert;
class Transaction {
public int m_Number;
int getNumber() {
char[] input = cast(char[])File("").read;
Stdout.formatln("input array data = {}",input[]);
int m_Number = to!(int)(input);
++ m_Number ;
Stdout("It's transaction Number is ",m_Number).newline;
}else {
++ m_Number;
Stdout("New, first transaction number", m_Number).newline;}
return m_Number;
char[][] readFile() {
auto content = cast(char[][]) File("outfile.txt").read;
Stdout.formatln("Transaction data number is {}",content[0]);
Stdout.formatln("Transaction date is {}",content[1]);
Stdout.formatln("Transaction description is {}",content[2]);
Stdout.formatln("Transaction code is {}",content[3]);
Stdout.formatln("Transaction debit amount is {}",content[4]);
Stdout.formatln("Transaction credit amount is {}",content[5]);
Stdout("Successfully read file 'outfile.txt'").newline;
return content;
void writeNo(int docno) {
auto output = new File ("");
void[] y = to!(char[])(docno);
Stdout("Successfully over-wrote to file ''").newline;
catch (AddressException xy)
Stdout("A file exception occured: " ~ xy.toString()).newline;
void writeFile(char[][] content) {
auto output = new File ("outfile.txt");
Stdout("Successfully over-wrote to file 'outfile.txt'").newline;
catch (AddressException xy)
Stdout("A file exception occured: " ~ xy.toString()).newline;
void printArray(char[][]args ){
Stdout.formatln("In array args index 0= {}",args[0]);
Stdout.formatln("In array args index 1= {}",args[1]);
Stdout.formatln("In array args index 2= {}",args[2]);
Stdout.formatln("In array args index 3= {}",args[3]);
Stdout.formatln("In array args index 4= {}",args[4]);
Stdout.formatln("In array args index 5= {}",args[5]); }
this() {
char[][] data ;
char[] docno = to!(char[])(getNumber);
char[] date ;
char[] m_details ;
char[] m_code ;
char[] m_debit ;
char[] m_credit;
data ~= docno; //this is an append operator ~ ?
data ~= date ;
data ~= m_details;
data ~= m_code;
data ~= m_debit;
data ~= m_credit;
Stdout("Created a transaction.").newline;
writeNo(to!(int)(docno)) ;
~this() {
Stdout("Destroyed this transaction.").newline;
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