delete hash[key] deprecated???

Leandro Lucarella llucax at
Mon Feb 11 06:13:03 PST 2008

Jarrett Billingsley, el 11 de febrero a las 08:50 me escribiste:
> "Leandro Lucarella" <llucax at> wrote in message 
> news:20080211130722.GA18729 at burns.springfield.home...
> > And I got: Error: delete aa[key] deprecated, use aa.remove(key)
> As the error suggests, the first syntax was used before the second was 
> introduced.  The funny thing is, the 'remove' syntax was partially 
> introduced to allow exactly what you're trying to do.  X(
> > I don't want to remove the element of the array, I want to destroy the
> > object stored at key "x". Does hash.remove("x") remove the item from the
> > hash *and* delete c?
> No.
> > If not, do I have to do:
> > auto c = hash["x"];
> > hash.remove["x"];
> > delete c;
> Yeah, you do. 

Ugly :(

Leandro Lucarella (luca) | Blog colectivo:
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