several questions

Christopher Wright dhasenan at
Sun Feb 17 06:06:50 PST 2008

Saaa wrote:
>>> Thanks again,
>>> I don't think I ever override a function, should I make them final then, 
>>> for optimizing purposes, or is final only for classes?
>> Are you developing an application or a library?
>> If it's a library, don't final it unless it's deep in the bowels where 
>> nobody will reasonably tread, or unless the library really requires 
>> performance.
>> If it's an application, feel free. You probably won't have much need for 
>> inheritance, but then, the optimizations from your final classes might not 
>> be that great.
> This reads as making a function final will hurt the optimization.
> btw. I don't use classes :), only functions.
> (application)

Marking a class or a method on a class as final can improve performance. 
DMD might not take advantage of that as often as you like.

Marking a function that is not in a class as final should do absolutely 

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