Issue: Installing D
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at
Tue Feb 19 18:47:32 PST 2008
Chris Miller wrote:
> Chris Miller Wrote:
>> Jacob Carlborg Wrote:
>>> Chris Miller wrote:
>>>> I've been having some major issues for a long while now trying to install D. Much of it is because of my library choices, but I don't have a choice as to what libraries I need.
>>>> I've been working to try and get a working installation of D on my Windows Vista workstation. Whether it's DMD or GDC I don't really care. My biggest problem is that I need Tango, Derelect, and DDBI. I've totally given up on finding an IDE by now.
>>>> I've been following the instructions online to the letter (the ones on and they keep throwing me grief. The DInstaller project hasn't been good, since it installs everything to somewhere I can't find. I got DSSS working once, which was nice... but then when I tried to build a helloworld.d file it didn't work (tried using rebuild, which is what I would be building larger projects with).
>>>> I can provide further documentation of what I've tried if you like, though it's really just me hitting wall after wall after wall.
>>>> Thanks for your time, and thanks in advance for any pointers or help you can give!
>>> I have previously written two installation guides
>>> D, DSSS, Tango and Derelict -
>> That's exactly the kind of tutorial I've been looking for!
>> Unfortunately I'm not at my workstation (using my Ubuntu Linux laptop ATM) so I'll have to take another whack at this when I get home.
> I attempted to install this stuff to a flash drive while at school. It didn't work on the derelict install. I thought it was related to the weird nature of the school machines, but when the error happened again at home... I knew something was wrong. During dsss net install derelict this happens:
> .. lots of stuff we don't care about ...
> Exported revision 282.
> Creating imports for DerelictUtil
> derelict => DerelictUtil
> + C:\dsss\bin\rebuild.exe -Idsss_imports\ -I. -S.\ -IC:\dsss\include\d -SC:\dsss
> \lib\ -IC:\dsss\include\d -SC:\dsss\lib -oqdsss_objs\D -explicit -lib derelic
> t\util\exception.d derelict\util\loader.d derelict\util\wintypes.d derelict\util
> \wrapper.d -ofDerelictUtil.lib
> derelict\util\wrapper.d(71): Error: undefined identifier fromStringz
> derelict\util\wrapper.d(71): Error: function expected before (), not fromStringz
> of type int
> derelict\util\wrapper.d(71): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (fromSt
> ringz(cstr)) of type int to char[]
> Command C:\dsss\bin\rebuild.exe returned with code 1, aborting.
> Error: Command failed, aborting.
> It seems to be choking on the compile, screaming something about the source it's trying to compile in its final moments.
> I have a few hypotheses:
> 1) Derelict isn't Tango-compatible. Move back to Phobos, compile Derelict, move back to Tango.
> 2) The sources dsss downloaded don't compile anyways. Manually check out a previous revision, or wait for someone to fix it.
> I tried both repositories DSSS gave the the choice of downloading from. Both gave the same results. The Tango example compiled and ran okay though, so I know it isn't an issue with a broken compiler or something like that.
> Attached are the directory trees of the relevant directories.
> Thanks for the help, I've already gotten further than I previously would be able to much faster than I would have been able to get on my own.
> My goal is to have this stuff working by the Ides of March so I can begin the real fun work of coding (which is why I'm a programmer - mucking around with installing stuff is for IT gremlins!)
fromStringz is a function in the latest SVN of Tango.
It called fromUtf8z in the 0.99.4 Tango "Frank" release.
dsss net install generally downloads latest sources from dsource, so I
suspect what happened is that SVN Derelict has been fixed to work with
SVN tango, but you are using the release Tango.
You can either get Tango from SVN and build it,
Or you can maybe find a tarball of Derelict that's compatible with
0.99.4 tango and install that.
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