Issue: Installing D

Chris Miller lordSaurontheGreat at
Wed Feb 20 14:36:42 PST 2008

Jacob Carlborg Wrote:

> Chris Miller wrote:
> > Bill Baxter Wrote:
> > 
> >> Chris Miller wrote:
> >>> Chris Miller Wrote:
> >>> I attempted to install this stuff to a flash drive while at school.  It didn't work on the derelict install.  I thought it was related to the weird nature of the school machines, but when the error happened again at home... I knew something was wrong.  During dsss net install derelict this happens:
> >>>
> >>> .. lots of stuff we don't care about ...
> >>> Exported revision 282.
> >>> Creating imports for DerelictUtil
> >>>
> >>> derelict => DerelictUtil
> >>> + C:\dsss\bin\rebuild.exe -Idsss_imports\ -I. -S.\ -IC:\dsss\include\d -SC:\dsss
> >>> \lib\  -IC:\dsss\include\d -SC:\dsss\lib  -oqdsss_objs\D  -explicit -lib derelic
> >>> t\util\exception.d derelict\util\loader.d derelict\util\wintypes.d derelict\util
> >>> \wrapper.d -ofDerelictUtil.lib
> >>> derelict\util\wrapper.d(71): Error: undefined identifier fromStringz
> >>> derelict\util\wrapper.d(71): Error: function expected before (), not fromStringz
> >>>  of type int
> >>> derelict\util\wrapper.d(71): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (fromSt
> >>> ringz(cstr)) of type int to char[]
> >>> Command C:\dsss\bin\rebuild.exe returned with code 1, aborting.
> >>> Error: Command failed, aborting.
> >>>
> >>> It seems to be choking on the compile, screaming something about the source it's trying to compile in its final moments.
> >>>
> >>> I have a few hypotheses:
> >>>
> >>> 1) Derelict isn't Tango-compatible.  Move back to Phobos, compile Derelict, move back to Tango.
> >>> 2) The sources dsss downloaded don't compile anyways.  Manually check out a previous revision, or wait for someone to fix it.
> >> fromStringz is a function in the latest SVN of Tango.
> >> It called fromUtf8z in the 0.99.4 Tango "Frank" release.
> >>
> >> dsss net install generally downloads latest sources from dsource, so I 
> >> suspect what happened is that SVN Derelict has been fixed to work with 
> >> SVN tango, but you are using the release Tango.
> >>
> >> You can either get Tango from SVN and build it,
> >> Or you can maybe find a tarball of Derelict that's compatible with 
> >> 0.99.4 tango and install that.
> > 
> > Hmm, I don't know.  The version file says it's a compatible version (I think.)  It says version 0.995, which is >0.994, so it should work (right?)
> > 
> > excerpt from Version.d:
> > 
> > module tango.core.Version;
> > 
> > public const Tango = 0.995f;
> > 
> I think you have an old version of tango where they haven't changed to 
> fromStringz yet. As far as I know Tango 0.99.5 hasn't been released yet 
> but I've heard it will be soon. You can download the svn trunk, I 
> usually don't recompile the library I just replace the source files, I 
> think it should be enough.

I downloaded this:
Which is the fourth link down on this page:
Which I got to from here:

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