Are public/private imports implemented?

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Mon Jan 21 20:39:31 PST 2008

"Tyro[a.c.edwards]" <no at> wrote in message 
news:fn3l7g$17ef$1 at

> No! I don't think so. Just hasn't bubbled up to the top of the list as
> yet. Got to admit that there are a lot of processes competing for WPT
> (Walter Processing Time). Probably just need to modify the process
> scheduler a bit to take this into consideration and downgrade the
> priority of a few of those "greedy" processes (const comes to mind here)
> so that those oft ignored once get their chance to surface.

I was thinking about this; not only is const's priority much higher than 
anything else, Walter seems to follow a SJF (shortest job first) process 
schedule.  Unfortunately this means given a steady stream of small, 
easier-to-fix issues, the older, larger ones tend never to get fixed.

It's kind of sad, really. 

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