delete hash[key] deprecated???

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Mon Jul 14 17:51:24 PDT 2008

"Stewart Gordon" <smjg_1998 at> wrote in message 
news:g5gq00$2jfu$1 at
> "Jarrett Billingsley" <kb3ctd2 at> wrote in message 
> news:for9g5$2q7$1 at
> <snip>
>> The "delete aa[x]" syntax to mean "remove the key x from aa" was 
>> deprecated in 0.126, that is, June of 2005, for the exact reasons you 
>> mention.  Hence the "deprecated" error message.  That the "deprecated" 
>> error message has not yet been removed after two and a half years seems 
>> to me more of an oversight than anything else.
> Why should this means of removing an AA element have been de-deprecated?
> If OTOH, you meant that it should have been redefined by now to delete the 
> object, then maybe....

Yes, that's what I mean.  It doesn't make sense for a questionable design 
decision that was removed a year and a half before the language went 1.0 to 
prevent you from doing something completely reasonable today. 

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