Identify enum

Moritz Warning moritzwarning at
Mon Jul 21 13:34:52 PDT 2008

On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 18:23:36 +0000, BCS wrote:

> Reply to Moritz,
>> I have a global toString template function that is also used for
>> various
>> enums.
>> If the toString is used for an unknown Type it's supposed to print out
>> an error message at compile time (static assert). Now I face the
>> problem that toString is used for some enum I haven't modified toString
>> for, but I can't identify the the enums name. All I get is the base
>> type int, which is pretty useless. I can search my entire codebase and
>> make a list of all enum types it is used for. But that's pretty hard
>> for some big templates engines.
>> Is there a workaround?
> A little more info might be useful.
> As a starting point I'll assume the toString is something like this:
> char[] toString(T)(T arg)...
> {
> static if(is(T == type1)) {something} else static if(is(T type2))
> {something} ...
> else static assert(false,"can't use "~T.stringof);
> }
> and that the assert is giving something useless.
> Is that the case or are you taking a different approach?

^ Yes, that's the approach I use and the problem that gives me a headache.

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