Which text editors REALLY support D?

Don nospam at nospam.com.au
Wed Jul 23 06:36:00 PDT 2008

Jesse Phillips wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Jul 2008 14:36:28 +0000, Jesse Phillips wrote:
>> On Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:37:05 +0200, Don wrote:
>>> I'm pretty frustrated by this Wiki page:
>>> nhttp://prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?EditorSupport
>>> It gives some pretty misleading information. Almost all of the listed
>>> editors do not support D in any meaningful sense -- most can't even lex
>>> D correctly.
>>> Personally I'm not that interested in highlighting of keywords. But a
>>> fundamental requirement is that nested /+ +/ comments and `wysiwg
>>> quotes` are handled correctly.
>>> * CodeBlocks can't lex D.
>>> * SciTE doesn't include D in their list of supported languages, despite
>>> what the D wiki says.
>>> * Descent works, but it's attached to Eclipse. * The recently-released
>>> UNA also seems to be Java-based bloatware. * Sublime Text would be
>>> perfect, but is not free.
>>> Someone, please tell me there's an editor (not IDE) which can lex D!
>>> (And let's stop advertising the ones which can't!)
>> I'll agree that the lack of proper handling of D specific features is a
>> little annoying, but it looks as though that the editors you know of
>> that do support it you just don't want. I use Vim myself, I haven't had
>> any issues.
> I'd actually like to change the direction for Don's question based of off 
> what I pointed out.
> What should be the feature set that an editor must support to be 
> considered as a D supporting editor. We have
> Nested Comments
> Wysiwyg strings
> from Don
> Keyword Highlighting
> Do we need indentation correctness as pointed out by Frank?
> Should we be hard on IDE's that give features for other languages but not 
> D even though D could make use of it? I don't know how that would fair 
> for Descent since it is an Eclipse plugin.
> I suppose the main question is what should be taken off of the list of D 
> supporting editors?

I think it would be enough (for now) to split the list into the 
different levels of support. The final (and largest) section would be:

Editors for other curly-brace languages, which are nonetheless usable 
with D.

Unfinished, discontinued projects shouldn't be in the list at all.

Hopefully, as editor support improves, editors will move into higher 
categories, and new categories will need to be added at the top <g>.

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