OT: D2 in Descent

Koroskin Denis 2korden at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 04:23:44 PDT 2008

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 15:20:23 +0400, Ary Borenszweig <ary at esperanto.org.ar>  

> Extrawurst a écrit :
>> Ary Borenszweig schrieb:
>>> After I finish making Descent support D2, I'll try to make templates  
>>> and CTFE debuggable (i.e. you put a breakpoint, you right click on a  
>>> template or a function and select "Debug at compile-time").
>>  You are working on this at the very moment ? Thats great to hear, any  
>> idea when its gonna be released ? Thats what i am waiting for all the  
>> time ;)
> I hope to have it done in about a month or less, I'm trying to port a  
> little bit each day. And then after porting it's about moving the parser  
> stuff up to the core stuff (public AST, signature) and then to the UI  
> stuff (labels for const and invariant, etc.). But it's a race against  
> Walter's releases... See, now after I finish porting to DMD 2.013, I'll  
> have to port to DMD 2.015 :-P
> (but that should be much easier than porting from D1 to D2)
> It's great to hear there is interest in Descent for D2.

Of course there is!!!

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