For Chris - d snapshot

Chris R. Miller lordSaurontheGreat at
Fri Jun 20 19:47:05 PDT 2008

Ty Tower wrote:
> Ty Tower Wrote:
>> Chris I had a look at your easy D snapshot.
>> downloaded and ran on a windows 2000 Pro install and got errors immediately on trying to run the console . Looks like some sort of permission problem.
>> Think its mostly self explanatory except for ease and comfort I use rebuild on unix rather than dsss build ,it saves having to enter each "D" program in the config file.
>> Text console output is attached 
>> What am I doing wrong?
>> Shell setup for Digital Mars D Compiling and Debugging
>> build software: dsss build [-g] main_file.d (-g for debugging)
>> debug software: ddbg exe_file.exe
>> change which drive you're on: [Drive Letter]:\
>> eg. C:\ to change to C drive
>> Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
>> (C) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp.
>> tytower at WINDOWS:C:\> dsss build C:\dmd\mystuff\SliderTest.d
>> DSSS config error: unrecognized line '[C:\dmd\mystuff\SliderTest.d]'.
>> tytower at WINDOWS:C:\> rebuild C:\dmd\mystuff\SliderTest.d
>> tytower at WINDOWS:C:\> SliderTest.exe
>> error box was "not a valid win32 application" 
> and in 
> and also it said "access violation"  in the console window
> Also while you are there I looked at your site but it seems you have moved server again and I did not see anything on the cheque entry project there . Is there any progress or is it dead?

Yeah, I haven't gotten that migrated yet.  No, I haven't made any 
progress on that yet.  All I found were a few input errors that caused 
some strange stuff to persist in the input boxes, but otherwise it 
functions fairly well.  I hadn't heard anything in a while, and then I 
became distracted by other things, etc.  Thanks for the reminder.

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