Is there a template syntax for alias-of-member?

Russell Lewis webmaster at
Fri Mar 7 10:25:34 PST 2008

Bill Baxter wrote:
> If that's not enough, try being more specific about what you are 
> actually trying to do, and maybe someone can offer a better solution.

I'm trying to build a parser library.  The syntax I'm experimenting with is:
	parse(output_type, <member names>...)
where the library figures out the type of each member and automatically 
calls the correct parse() function at the right time.  (The order in 
which you call the various member names determines the order in which 
the various nonterminals must show up in the file being parsed.)

I already have the mechanics of the parser library working, but it's not 
easy to use.  The point of the template is to auto-generate most of the 
client-side code.

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