Subclass method

June somewhere at
Tue May 6 21:28:44 PDT 2008

BCS Wrote:

> Reply to June,
> > BCS Wrote:
> > 
> >> Reply to June,
> >> 
> >>> I want to add a methd to an instance of dwt.widgets.Text.
> >>> 
> >>> void setText(char[] name, char[] text){  name.setText(text);}
> >>> 
> >>> there is  ' setText(char[] text)  ' in the base class
> >>> 
> >>> each instance has a name. I cannot get this to work? the Tango book
> >>> covers this very weakly
> >>> 
> >> I'm not following what you want to do.
> >> 
> >> Do you want to add methods to a class that inherits from
> >> dwt.widgets.Text?
> >> 
> > Yes
> > 
> class MyClass : dwt.widgets.Text
> {
> void setText(char[] name, char[] text){  name.setText(text);}
> }
> does that work for what you want?
Not really -This produces an interface with Text no? 
I just want an extra method to change multiple, named , instances , one at a time by name


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