Static Constructors

BCS ao at
Sat Oct 4 13:45:37 PDT 2008

Reply to Saaa,

>> uint at = 0;
>> if(extra <= at) data.length = (at+1)*2;
> extra=data.length; ?

Yes, Oops, (darn remnants :-)

>> data[at] = t;
>> at++;
>> //when done adding
>> data.length = at;
> Initially I'd be adding a lot, but after that only sparsely.
>> another option would be to use an AA if order isn't relevant.
>> T[int] data;
> Is this code? I mean should there be an int or 'int'?

It's a variables declaration (with T being the type that is needed).

>> void reg(T b)
>> {
>> static int a = 0;
>> data[a++] = b;
> How does this work when it's no dynamic array?

It's a hash table, the key is "a". It's incremented so that you get a unique 
value for each insertion. ("data[rand()] = b;" might work also)

you can also flip it the other way

int[T] data;
data[b] = 0;

to access the data:  data.keys.

>> }

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