arrays and pointers & Tango

Sean Kelly sean at
Mon Sep 8 08:17:23 PDT 2008

Nick B wrote:
> Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
>> Nick B wrote:
>>> bearophile wrote:
>>>> Nick B:
>>>> But in most situations you don't want that.
>>>>> to show the relationships between the strings, like as follows:
>>>> I don't understand.
>>>>> Is this possible using Tango ?
>>>> I think Tango or Phobos matter little for this, but I can't be sure
>>>> because I haven't understood what you want. You can also try the #d or
>>>> #d.tango IRC channels, where you can ask things with more 
>>>> interactivity.
>>>  >  where can i find the #d.tango IRC channel ?  What tool do I use to
>>> access it ?   when are most people on the IRC channel ?
>>> thanks
>> Use an IRC client - for example mIRC or xchat. Search and you will find a
>> multitude of options.
>> Connect to, and when there join the #d.tango channel. 
>> You
>> will find people there all day round, but European and US day/evening 
>> time
>> is probably the most active.
> Lars
> I did as you suggested. I have downloaded mIRC and installed it,
> but when I installed it and go to #d.tango  there is no one there !
> This may because of the  difference in time zone, living in New Zealand. 
>  This means I'm 20 hours  behind california, 17 hours behind new york, 
> 12 hours behind england, and 11 hours behind Germany. It does not make 
> it easy.
> Is there any way to open a session and leave it open, so that I can at 
> least see what is being discussed.
> Also, how can i verify that I am at the right place ?

Make sure you connect to the FreeNode IRC network.  I think mIRC picks 
some other network by default.


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