automatic function call after closing block

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Sat Sep 20 09:31:44 PDT 2008

On 2008-09-20 12:15:17 -0400, "Saaa" <empty at> said:

> I'd like the following:
> texture.bind() //class texture, method bind.
> {
>     ..
> } //here texture.unbind would automatically be run.
> Is this possible?

You could create a scope class, bind in the constructor and unbind in 
the destructor. Something like this:

scope class Binding {
	Texture t;
	this(Texture t) { this.t = t; t.bind() };
	~this() { t.unbind(); }

then use it like this:

	scope b = new Binding(texture);
	// automatic destruction of b;

Perhaps it could be made more elegant in D2 with struct destructors.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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