compiling lua

Hoenir mrmocool at
Wed Sep 24 12:17:59 PDT 2008

Carlos schrieb:
> : I think so too.
> Yep, DMC does not support pipes on Windows.
> After some more test, i found that lua read the pipe with fgets().
> When reading the last line of input from the pipe, Windows
> returns and error and set errno to 32 (EPIPE).
> The DMC runtime does not properly process that error.
> Now, if you want to have _popen/_pclose support,
> you need to use _Popen/_Pclose and fix liolib.c file.
> And the program works fine now.
Indeed! Thank you very very much my friend.
I have a working one as well now.

Isn't that popen bug something Walter should fix?

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