Determining if a symbol is a function

Lars Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Apr 13 02:46:25 PDT 2009

Doctor J wrote:
> Answered my own question:
>     static if (is(typeof(func0) == function))
>         writefln("func0 is a function.");
> is() really wants a type, not an expression.

You say you want to test whether a struct/class member is a field or a 
property. Pointers to class and struct methods are delegates, not 
function pointers.

So the correct thing to write would be:

     static if (is(typeof(func0) == delegate)) { ... }

or, to test whether func0 is a function OR a delegate,

     static if (is(typeof(func0) == return)) { ... }

For details, see


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