Learning D2 from nearly zero
nospam at nospam.com
Thu Apr 30 21:21:25 PDT 2009
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Don escribió:
>> The key piece of information which I think you're missing is that D2
>> just underwent an earthquake change in the last release. D2.029 is
>> alpha 1 of Phobos 2.0. It's a major break from D2.028, and has lots of
>> ground-breaking stuff. The major concepts are in, but there are many
>> bugs, and documentation will take some time. It's really not
>> recommended to use it unless you're interested in working on
>> language/library development.
>> I'm sorry that you've chosen such a bad time to return! The situation
>> should be much better in a couple of months time.
> Strange choice of words you have there. I would say it is precisely the
> best time to come and personally watch the fireworks!
It's definitely fun! Not very practical just yet.
> I only wanted to confirm that I'm not missing any obvious place to look
> for documentation about new features. So is lurking the forum the only
> way to learn for the moment?
Pretty much. Andrei had been posting his work-in-progress onto his own
website, but the code mostly didn't compile. Now that it compiles, his
docs are all in Phobos. Some basic functionality (eg, containers) isn't
in yet.
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