
Vladimir Voinkov v.voinkov at
Sat Jul 11 01:24:31 PDT 2009

> >> see .. afaik there is a compile time regex project. hth
> > 
> >
> > 
> > But the generated functions aren't CTFE-compatible AFAIK. A CTFE regex 
> > engine would be um... "tricky" to say the least. About 50GB of memory 
> > tricky (on DMD, LDC has a GC... though, it's still just as slow with 
> > CTFE). Really, if you need that level of code manipulation, a 
> > preprocessor is probably a better choice.
> Ouch!
> Remaining question :
>  >>> std.regex can't be used in compile time function call....
> Why this* don't work for you ?
> *
> (middle of the document / Regular Expression Compiler)

I have seen the article and really inspired by the language might. That is why I'm surprised b the std.regex, the library codeveloped by Andrei!

Thanks for the scregexp link. Looks promising.

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