D2 phobos std.date question

Sam Hu samhudotsamhu at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 19:30:55 PDT 2009

Stewart Gordon Wrote:

> Sam Hu wrote:
> > Which method/ how can I produce proper result of local datetime?
> > getUTCtime,UTCtoLocalTime,localTimeToUTC all can not produce the proper result.
> > 
> > Could any body help?Thanks.
> Not without seeing your code and knowing what exactly you're trying to do.
> Stewart.
Thank you so much for your attention.Actually my questions are:
1.std.date has no implementation on getting local region system time,is this true?Say getUTCtime(),UTCtoLocalTime() are all 8 hours behind my region;I remembered in Tango  this is not a problem.gtkD provide a clock demo which I have build both under D1+tango and D2,2 exe show different time.The tango one is correct.

2.If I want to get proper system time under D2,I need do by myself,either +8hours hard-codes or call system API by myself,is this the only choice?

Thanks and best regards,

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