dmd crashes with "out of memory" error

Trass3r mrmocool at
Tue Jul 14 17:06:10 PDT 2009

I tried to uncompress a file containing zlib data which I converted to a 
source file with bintod.

module main;

import save; // containing the file data
import std.zlib;

void main(string[] args)
	//void[] data = uncompress(BINARY_SAVE_SWW[8 .. $], 
*cast(uint*)(BINARY_SAVE_SWW.ptr+4)); // this would be the correct call, 
but it doesn't compile either
	void[] data = uncompress(BINARY_SAVE_SWW);

dmd 1.046 & 2.031 both crash with "out of memory".
Tried changing the const BINARY_SAVE_SWW to other modifiers like enum, 
this gave an error message, but still led to out of memory.

Is this normal?

Here are the files, if you want to try out:

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