Tango Jake or other build system for Linux

torhu no at spam.invalid
Sun Jun 14 10:00:51 PDT 2009

On 14.06.2009 17:16, Michal Minich wrote:
> I would like to compile programs on Linux using LDC and Tango using
> similar tool as is bundled with Windows version of Tango - jake.exe. This
> build tool is not included in Linux version of Tango and I'm not able to
> find it's source code anywhere.
> Is there any tool for Linux that can parse imports of files and invoke
> compiler with all project files? (And preferably one which does not
> require any configuration, except choosing compiler).
> I'm also curious why the jake.exe is not available for Linux and why it
> does not have available source code.
> Thanks.

Have you tried using rebuild?


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