Three questions on std.range
Max Samukha
outer at
Wed Jun 17 12:24:17 PDT 2009
On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 00:04:51 -0400, Sam Hu <samhudotsamhu at>
>Just get to my point to save time:
>void testRetro()
>int[] arr=[1,2,3,4,5];
>auto retArr=retro(arr);
>for(int i=0;i<retArr;i++)
>writef("%d ",retArr[i]);
>void main()
>0 0 5 4 3 //not 5 4 3 2 1 ?what's wrong here?
>2.Continue to #1,In the source:
>static if (isRandomAccessRange!(R) && hasLength!(R))
> ref ElementType!(R) opIndex(uint n)
> {
> return _input[_input.length - n + 1];
> }
>Per my understanding,the above will return the nth element of _input in reverse order. I try to count my fingers with length-n+1 but cannot get a correct result.
>3. About isInfinte:
>template isInfinite(Range)
> static if (isInputRange!(Range) && is(char[1 + Range.empty]))
> enum bool isInfinite = !Range.empty;
> else
> enum bool isInfinite = false;
>In the is expression is(char[1+ Range.empty]),below is my understanding;
>Step 1:
>is(char[1+Range.empty]) actually returns is(char[1+Range.empty?0:1])
>Step 2:
>But what does this help with determining whether Range is infinite or not?say char[1+0],char[1+1]?
>Any help would be much much appreciated.
3. This is a (hackish) way to detect if Range.empty's value is
statically known. Infinite ranges must define a boolean 'empty' member
that evaluates at compile time to false.
Probably, there should be a more generic way to do it. Something like
isCT(alias expression) template. I kinda have one but it doesn't work
in all cases due to a compiler bug.
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