[OT] quoting text

Steven Schveighoffer schveiguy at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 18 20:15:11 PDT 2009

On Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:16:46 -0400, Stewart Gordon <smjg_1998 at yahoo.com>  

> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Jun 2009 10:51:56 -0400, Stewart Gordon  
>> <smjg_1998 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> <snip>
>>> If I want to read the whole message you're replying to, I can open up  
>>> the mesasge you're replying to in my newsreader.
>>  Yes, but there are some issues there:
>>  1. the newsgroup/newsreader sometimes doesn't correctly put your  
>> message as a reply to the original.
> Is it really happening with _my_ messages?  (When a thread becomes  
> broken up, how often compared to not is it due to user error?)

I'm not sure.  I see regulars all the time "start" new threads even though  
they are replying to others.  I'm not sure where the problem lies.

>> 2. You may not read messages threaded, so it might be tough to find the  
>> original message.
> If I want to be able to see what a message is in reply to, why would I  
> use a newsreader that doesn't offer a threaded view?

I'm not saying *you* personally, I meant someone who doesn't view a  
newsgroup in threaded mode.  Someone who does that would enjoy context in  
the message.

>> 3. You almost ALWAYS want to read the immediately responded-to message  
>> for context (i.e. quote level 1), I am annoyed when I have to close the  
>> message I was reading to read the one responded to.  Especially when I  
>> am following 5 threads at once.
> <snip>
> Does Opera Mail make it as cumbersome as that?  Most programs I've read  
> newsgroups in offer two alternatives:
> - keeping two message windows open at once
> - a preview pane that can be quickly and easily changed to view a  
> different message

I use the preview pane.  Yes, I can open multiple messages, but I prefer  
having the context contained within the same message.  I appreciate when  
the poster deletes unrelated context, but I don't think I've ever been  
annoyed at having too much context...


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