How to reduce compile times?

grauzone none at
Sat Mar 21 11:50:41 PDT 2009

Christopher Wright wrote:
> grauzone wrote:
>> PS: another thing that possibly would bring a speed gain would be to 
>> make dsss compile the whole project in one run, instead of invoking a 
>> new dmd process for each source file. How do I need to change the 
>> rebuild configuration to achieve this?
> oneatatime = [yes|no]
> You want 'no'. This will occasionally produce issues with ModuleInfo not 
> being defined with some dmd versions, I think. Or something like that.

Yes, this causes random linker errors.

What I need is to make dsss completely recompile the project, even if 
only a single source file was modified. This way, no errors should 
occur, and it would still be faster than with oneatatime=yes.

(Damn that crappy support for incremental compilation.)

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