Need direction guide

Sam Hu samhudotsamhu at
Mon May 4 01:29:54 PDT 2009

I have learnt C++ for years and can write simple and short toys.I have been following and learning D for quite a while but I can do nothing except finding ppl like you giant seems just write libs at this moment.I believe D2 is getting mre powerful and stronger but it seems to me just a legend.So right at this moment,I am wondering:
1.Whether D1 is useful to do something,or it is quite worth to wait for the stable or "finalized" verison of D2?If yes,what can one do using D1,I mean not just a toy,a test product,rather an serious tool?
2.Are those feathers in D2 vital  while D1 does not have?Or all these features are just for experienced programmers,a beginner can just ignore them at present?

I am lost although I like D so much than C++.I would like to spend as much time as learning C++ and want to gain as much as gain C++ can offer me.Any constructive suggestions or guideline would be much appreicated.


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