Expression template in D struct

The Anh Tran trtheanh at
Wed May 6 18:31:46 PDT 2009

Trass3r wrote:
> The Anh Tran schrieb:
>> One of my C++ struct is Vector3. It is a wrapper from D3DXVECTOR3.
>> I would like to use expression template to calculate where to point 
>> the gun. In C++, it is provided by boost::proto or boost::ublas.
> You calculate where to point the gun at compile-time?

No :)

I would like to learn D template programming; all i need is just a 
compile-time expression.

vPredicted = vEnd
+ (((ProjectileSpeed^2 * |vStart-vEnd|^2 - |(vStart-vEnd) X Velocity | 
^2) ^ 0.5
+ (vStart-vEnd) * vVelocity) / (ProjectileSpeed^2 - |vVelocity|^2)) * 

vXYZ is a struct, re-present 3D coordinate / velocity vector.

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